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orcid iconORCID in 30: Disambiguate Yourself + Simplify Scholarly Reporting

Do you have a common name or have published under different name variations and want to ensure that you receive proper credit for all of your scholarly output? Do you want to simplify the process of grant and manuscript submissions and not have to fill out the same fields over and over again? Distinguish yourself and sign up for an ORCID iD!

ORCID, short for Open Researcher and Contributor ID is an international, not-for-profit organization that maintains a registry of unique identifiers for authors. Signing up for an ORCID iD will help you to disambiguate your research from others and help you retain authority over your work. You can also link your ORCID to your Duke Elements profile so that any publications associated with your ORCID will be used to approve publications and, from there, included in your Scholars@Duke profile. Additionally, many journal publishers and some funders now require an ORCID iD prior to submission.

At this workshop, you’ll learn why ORCID is a quick and easy way to keep your publications up to date. We will cover:

  • How your iD will help you to regain authority over all of your research;
  • How ORCID can simplify some workflows of scholarly communication, particularly with Elements & Scholars@Duke
  • How to quickly add your citations to your ORCID record;
  • How to use your ORCID iD to generate your NIH Biosketch
Thursday, November 1, 2018
12:15pm - 12:45pm
Medical Center Library & Archives - Level 2R, Rm 212c
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Sarah Cantrell
Sarah Cantrell
